Palmer and Valdez

7/24/17 We left the Seward campground around 9:30, and headed back on the same road to Anchorage . We stopped in Anchorage at Costco for gas, then headed for Palmer. The weather did not cooperate with us. The low-hanging clouds and fog kept up from seeing the big mountains on the way in. Arrived in Mt. View campground in Palmer around 2:00. Settled in and visited with some of the group. I read and finished my second book. According to the Palmer information, it looked like about 3 streets wide and not much else. We decided to do our touring tomorrow. 7/25/17 Slept in and took our time in the morning as we had the whole day to ourselves. Around 10:00, Tom and I took off in the Jeep to the Visitor Center in Palmer. We watched a movie all about the ‘colonists’ who settled the town of Palmer . It was so interesting that we stayed there in front of the movie (called ‘Alaska Far Away’...